All the bizarreness that is my soul. Find it here, daily!

17 July 2011

GRRM is (almost) God!

I recently finished DwD, and must say I'm thoroughly in love with the series again. I had started to wonder if this one would live up to the hype in my head and I am happy to report it exceeded my expectations! I am half elated (I managed to finish it this morning) and half terribly sad (how long will I have to wait until the next one?)

I've been left hanging over Tyrion, Jon, Arya, Varys and Bran. I didn't find anything about Petyr & Sansa or Brienne ! My dreams tonight will most likely try to fill things in, but that's not enough!

Anyone else love the series and having the same problem I am?

11 July 2011

New Read!

Well, it's not new (the new one comes out tomorrow!), but it's a beloved read. The Golden Key" by Melanie Rawn, Jennifer Robeson & Kate Elliott. I first read it as a twenty-something, and it finally was rereleased! so I'll be offline for a bit, getting lost in Tira Virtae!

see you later! :D

05 July 2011

Giving myself a reverse plug!

I'm much more likely to have actually said something here:

Just in case you're wondering why this one seems so abandoned. :D

In other news, Enjoying the summer break, Fifi is entering second grade in the fall and is already super excited about it. Me, not so much. I'm so enjoying the lazy, hazy days of a New England summer!